Tuesday 21 February 2017

They Live! The enemy

Another Update!

So I've been adding enemies to the game, simple hover drones shooting rockets.
It was a little tricky to do the targeting right and still needs some tweaking in the movement however for game play purposes this feels rather good.

At the moment it uses a simple path finding to move directly towards the player, this will change as more of the game will be developed.

Hover Drone :

- C# Script that sees the player within a collider that checks if the player is  range.

- Uses a raycast to determine if the player is in the line of sight. (no objects obscuring the view)
This prevents friendly fire from happening and won't suprice the player that his enemy will spot him from around corner.

- Lookat used to target the player once in range and in sight.

- Shoots a rocket that explodes on impact with any other object.

- Enemies have 100 Hitpoints that can be depleted by the player shooting the enemy, once HP drops below 1 (0 or less) destroys the enemy.

Video of this in progress:

Sunday 19 February 2017

It's Alive : Player Controller

Hello World,

First update on my little shooter game!

Made a player controller with a gun that shoots.. LASERS!

First off the player controller :

- C# script that uses a WSAD movement scheme, Space for jumping, Shift for running and C for crouching.

 - Hold Space to engage the jetpack! Yes, that's right a jetpack!

- Sprinting costs stamina and using the jetpack costs fuel, both will recharge over a period of time.

- The sprinting stamina(white) and jetpack(red) fuel have a visual representation on the hud.

Now the weapon.

-C# script that uses a primary and secondary fire costing energy per shot.

- Primary fire has a quick firing laser.

- Secondary fire will shoot a larger beam with more force yet takes longer to recharge and has a higher cost.

- A visual representation for the energy needed to fire is displayed on the hub in blue.

More updates will follow in a while.

Also a Video :

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Hello World

Hello World,

Well I say "Hello World," rather what I mean is "Hello the few select people who will check this out."

Anyway, this is the blog to my little FPS project for the coming 5 weeks, which will include updates on the progression of the game creation.

Kind Regards,

Joas Kleine